Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lemon Meringue tart recipe

I didn't have time to add the recipe of the Lemon meringue tarts I made this weekend. The feedback was rather positive, Mr. D thought it had too much lemon but other than that it tasted good.  The recipe comes from the book "Atelier Tartes" by Catherine Kluger. One recipe can make one tart for a 20 cm mold.

The dough
200 g flour
80 g sugar cero
25 g almonds powder
120 g unsalty cold butter cut in cubes
1 egg

Mix all dry ingredients, add the butter. You can mix all in the robot or if you like working with your hands like I do, go for it and make it look like sand. Do not over work it though and make the dough elastic. This is not that type of dough. Once you get the right consistency, add the egg to bind all. Wrap it in a plastic film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour min.
Then , roll it out and cover your greased mold (s) with the dough and make little holes with a fork.  Again, place it in the refrigerator to rest, another 30 min minimum! Take them out and bake for 20 min into a 160 C oven.

Lemon Curd
75 g of melted butter

juice of 4 lemons
120 g sugar
3 eggs
1 spoon corn flour
the zest of 2 lemons

Mix eggs, sugar and corn flour. Add this to the melted butter mixing continously. Add the lemon juice and lemon zest. Bring almost to boil -fremir in French and keep stirring with a espatula until it thickens. BE PATIENT , it might take a while and do not stop stirring.
Pour the mix over the tart and let it cool for 3 hours at room temperature, once cold place in the refrigerator for 3 hours minimum.
You can now dress the tart with the meringue and place it under your oven gril till colored.

120 g sugar - I think it is better to use sugar cero
2 egg whites
2 drops of lemon juice

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