I saw this spectacular terrine in the book I received as gift called "Mis 100 mejores recetas" by Sandra Pierantoni de Plevisani (Peruvian pastry chef) .
It takes around 1 hour to make.
2 oranges
175 gr of "small" green grapes
125 gr of "small" strawberries
125 gr of framboise
125 gr of blueberries
125 gr of dark grapes- again small :)
150 ml of water
1/2 cup of sugar
9 feuilles of colapez (gelatine)
1/2 limon
2 cups of Moscato D'Asti or Sauternes
Making the sirop: put in a pot, 90ml of water with the sugar and bring to boil, once it boils, take aside and let the sirop cool.
On another bowl, put the gelatin in the remaining water (60ml). Get rid of the water and strain, put in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Recipe calls for 2 minutes, but I guess it really depends on how high is your microwave at. Mine it took less than one minute.Do not let it boil!
Add the gelatin to the sirop, add the lemon juice and the wine.
Putting all together !!!!
Take a rectangular mold and fill it with 1/3 of the preparation. take to the freezer and let it set for about 15 minutes.
Put all the fruit in one bowl and start placing it on top of your terrine, once your placed it, add more gelatine and let it set.
now the tricky part or more nerve racking , take it out of the mold!
Place your mold for one minute in boiling water so the gelatine loosens up. Unmold it in a plate, and decorate with oranges and fresh fruits.
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